Call for Student Volunteers (Updated)

The IVA’22 organization committee invites you to participate in the Student Volunteer (SV) Program. SVs are the heart of what makes a conference run smoothly, and we would love to have you on board. SVs will be selected from applicants and expected to support various activities at the conference and receive financial support for the conference registration fee.

Being an SV is a great way to participate in the conference, engage with the IVA research community, expand your knowledge, and network with many fellow students. We would like to include students with diverse backgrounds from everywhere worldwide.

UPDATE: 5 new openings were made available for student volunteers!

The deadline for applying for the SV Program is August 1st August 15th, 2022. Applications can be made through email at Please provide the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Affiliation
  • Highest Education Degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D.)
  • Are you an author paper in IVA’22? If yes, are you going to present it?
  • Research Interests
  • Motivation to apply for SV Program (max 200 ch.)

We will prioritize student applicants working in intelligent virtual agents and artificial intelligence, with works published in the field, and being paper authors in this conference.

Remember that student volunteers are expected to work a minimum of 5 hours and attend the conference from start to close.

See you in person at IVA’22!